How to Get Rid of Fleas

Collars, Sprays, Baths and Bombing Don’t Workhow to get rid of fleas

I have owned pets for more than 40 years and up until a few years ago, fleas were always a huge problem.  I tried flea collars, flea sprays and baths with flea shampoo.  In my experience, those things just never (ever) worked. Maybe it reduced the number of fleas – that is, if I hadn’t used those things, maybe my flea problems would’ve been worse.  But never once did any of these things eliminate the fleas.  Not even the flea bombs.

So many times I went through all those steps, only to continue to struggle with fleas.  I once had  tiny kitten die because of fleas.  Fleas can be so dangerous for your pets!  If you want to know how to get rid of fleas and how to prevent getting them in the first place, watch this video and read on…

How to Get Rid of Dog Fleas and Ticks – Here’s What Does Work!

Advantage Flea and Tick Prevention for DogsAs far as store-bought flea treatments, I have found Advantage Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs to be the best.  You put it on the back of your pet’s neck monthly during flea season and here’s what it does:

It kills any fleas on the animal, within about one day in my experience

It kills any fleas in the house.  I don’t know how it does this – perhaps fleas just keep jumping on your pet(s) and then the Advantage kills them.

It prevents any fleas from living in your house or on your pet.

Advantage absolutely works.  You can read my complete review of this product HERE.

To Purchase This Product, CLICK HERE

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