Help With Cat Training

In this article, I’ll be giving you a full review of a cat training program called, The Complete Cat Training Guide, created by the folks at  This is one of the best cat behaviour guides I’ve seen so far and it’s become my #1 recommendation for cat training.

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cat trainingCan Cats Be Trained?

Cats are just as intelligent as dogs.  In fact, most cats would insist that they’re WAY smarter than dogs LOL.  The fact is cats are just as capable of being trained as dogs.

And training your cat isn’t just about teaching your cat how to do tricks like rolling over, begging, playing dead, shaking hands or playing fetch.

It can and should include solving these common cat behavior issues, all of which are covered in this program:

  • General disobedience
  • Biting
  • Aggression
  • Getting into the garbage
  • Jumping up on the counter
  • Scratching
  • Housetraining
  • Litter box issues
  • Play aggression
  • Separation anxiety
  • Chewing
  • Excessive meowing or howling
  • Scratching furniture
  • Getting along with other household pets
  • Marking territory, spraying
  • Grooming problems

This program covers all of these issues and more.  Properly training your cat will not only result in your having a well-behaved cat, but it will also result in your having a cat who’s happy, healthy, calm, content and relaxed.

Help With Cat TrainingThe Complete Cat Training Guide

This is a downloadable Ebook called, Complete Cat Training: Cat Training to Stop Your Cat’s Behavior Problems by Paula Robb.  Here’s just a short list of what’s included:

How to Teach Your Cat Tricks.  This book tells you how to teach your cat commands such as begging, jumping and twirling, as well as things like sit, stay, come, kiss, play dead and retrieve.  But that’s just a small part of what this cat training guide covers.

This Book Covers Virtually All Aspects of Owning a Cat.  It doesn’t just cover cat training, but also covers general knowledge about things like choosing the right cat for you, understanding cat behaviors in general, not just bad behaviors.

It covers how to help your cat to adapt to your home and lifestyle, and there are complete sections about cat health, common cat illnesses and proper cat nutrition.

Having a such a thorough understanding of how to be a good cat owner results in your having a deep bond and a loving relationship with your cat.

The Book Covers Training for 25 Real-Life Cat Behavior Issues.  It provides a real-life case study for each cat behavior issue, which helps you to match the issues being covered with the actual behavior problems you may be having with your cat.

The training techniques it provides will help you learn how to understand your cat’s body language and vocals so you’ll know what they’re thinking, and you’ll know how to effectively communicate with your cat.

It Contains Clear, Step-by-Step Photographs and Illustrations.  This makes this training super easy to understand and apply.

It’s Instantly Downloadable.  You don’t have to order it, then wait days or weeks for it to arrive.  And once you download it, you’ll have it to refer to forever.  This will come in handy for issues you may have with your cat down the road.

Additional Bonuses and Freebies. Here are just a few of the extra’s you’ll receive:

Free Book:  The Essential Cat Recipe Book

Free Book:  The Ultimate Guide to Pampering Your Cat

Free Private Email Consultation:  If you’d like to email a question, you will receive a personal reply from a team of experienced cat trainers.

I Love the “Did You Know?” Section.  Seriously, you’ll learn so many valuable, surprising facts you didn’t know about cats.

Help With Cat TrainingHighly Recommended for Cat Training!

I’m impressed by how this program is jam-packed with practical, step-by-step instructions on how to train your cat and how to be an awesome cat owner.  And I like how the free books encourage doing nice things for your cat and actually enjoying cat ownership.

I’m also totally impressed with the price, which is just $37 and includes the book, the freebies, plus the free email consultation.  The program comes with a 100%, 60-day money-back guarantee.

Please don’t give up on your cat.  This is real help if you’ll get this knowledge and do the steps you learn.

Help With Cat Training

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Thank you for visiting my website.  I donate 10% of my earnings to animal charities.  You can see a list of the charities I donate to here. 

If you like this website, please share it with your friends and family who have pets.  Thank you!  Debra

For More About Cat Training, CLICK HERE

2 thoughts on “Help With Cat Training”

  1. my cat will not come into house, that is only to eat from her bowl by the door. I had another cat for a friend for a month but that left start of December my cat was ok back to hr old habits sleeping on my bed, lying on seatee etc. But the last month she refuses to come into the house longer than eat her meal. I am really worried about her. If i get her and carry out of lounge upstairs she starts wriggling etc to get down, if she gets down she runs downstairs and out back door again what can I do I am really upset this has been a month now no reason. please help

    1. Wow I’m really sorry about this. If it were me, the first thing I would do is call the vet. They may be able to give you advice on why this is happening and how to fix it.

      I wrote a post (includes video) about how to stop cats from fighting. I think it may help you because it seems like your cat is offended in some way by the presence of the other cat, and is still unhappy. The points in that post/video may help you figure out why your cat is upset:

      But it’s weird because you said even after the visiting cat left your cat seemed to be ok.

      Regardless if it has anything to do with the visiting cat, there seems to be something inside the house that your cat is not ok with. That’s all I can think of. Maybe walk around in each room and see if you can figure out what’s changed. Anything at all. It doesn’t take much to upset a cat.

      Here’s another post to help with that:
      10 Things That Stress Your Cat Out:

      That’s all I can think of right now. If I have any more ideas I’ll come back and let you know. In the meantime, please keep me posted. And don’t give up…we’ll work together to get your baby back inside!

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cat training guide