According to the American Kennel Club, you should never correct growling. The growling is either benign or a symptom of stress in your dog. If you punish your dog for growling, you will only curb growling. You haven’t done anything to address the underlying issue. Whatever the trigger was for your dog’s growling hasn’t been fixed.
Even if you manage to stop them from growling, chances are they’re still uncomfortable, fearful, stressed…whatever made them growl to begin with. And as long as their issues aren’t being addressed, the dog may snap without warning.
So What’s the Solution to Stop Dog Growling?
The solution is to learn to think how your dog thinks and interact with your dog in a way that makes sense to the dog. Understanding how dogs think will immediately lead you to the reason why your dog is growling. And with proper training, that trigger can be completely eliminated, not only stopping the growling, but putting an end to whatever was upsetting the dog to begin with.
Training to Stop Growling

Professional Dog Trainer and Behavioral Specialist, Doggy Dan (owner of the dog training website, has developed a dog training program called, The Dog Calming Code, which is particularly effective to stop dog growling. It’s easy to follow and inexpensive.
Having a dog who growls, whether it’s at you, other family members, children, strangers or other household pets, is upsetting. Not to mention a bit scary! Luckily, there are ways you can help your dog with this.
The good news is…
It’s very likely that your dog DOES NOT NEED MORE TRAINING. The solution is actually far simpler than that.
It’s easy once you DISCOVER HOW TO COMMUNICATE with your dog and provide a loving, supportive relationship with your dog. Doing this will eliminate your dog’s instinct to growl.
Doggy Dan’s training program, The Dog Calming Code will help you focus in on THE ONE THING that you may be missing that has helped him successfully train over 37,000 dogs.
How The Dog Calming Code Will Help You and Your
1. Sets Up a New, Health Relationship Between You and Your Dog. Setting up a healthy relationship with your dog is one of the most important things you can do as a dog owner—and The Dog Calming Code will teach you how to do just that. When you get this right, EVERYTHING ELSE FALLS INTO PLACE.
2. Makes Training Easier. Once you’ve got The Dog Calming Code in place and a solid relationship set up, you’ll find your dog is LISTENING to you, wanting to FOLLOW your lead and TAKE DIRECTION.
- 3. The Dog Calming Code is Totally Instinctive to Dogs. Meaning? It’s dog training that actually MAKE SENSE TO YOUR DOG! You’ll be able to communicate with your dog in a way that they will immediately understand. You’ll be speaking your dog’s language, which is the easiest, most effective way of training your dog.
4. The Dog Calming Code Builds Tolerance. Your dog will not be growling when something alarming suddenly occurs, like a person approaching, a child playing, a friend coming over for a visit, or another dog approaching. These things will be far less likely to trigger your dog.
5. The result of The Dog Calming Code is a Calm Dog. Soon after putting The Dog Calming Code in place, you’ll notice that your dog is generally far calmer. That’s because your dog is now focused, watching and listening to YOU. He’ll be able to switch off, not be so alert and anxious, and be much calmer and HAPPIER about life. This stops your dog from growling.
Who is Doggy Dan?
Doggy Dan is a Professional Dog Trainer and Behavioral Specialist, and the creator of the dog training website, The site has more than 300 videos where you get to see Doggy Dan working with dogs and their owners. He offers a $1 three-day trial to the website and a monthly membership for $37. It’s been my #1 recommendation for dog training for more than seven years because it is effective and affordable.
Why Do Dogs Growl?
Dogs growl for a variety of reasons, usually as a form of communication. It can signal aggression, fear, pain, or simply be a way to express excitement or playfulness. A dog growling can also serve as a warning to others, indicating that the dog is feeling threatened, uncomfortable or even afraid. Dog growling should be taken seriously, and should be addressed with effective dog training. For more information about why dogs growl, visit The American Kennel Club.
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