Pet Health – Your Love is the Best Medicine!

One of the hardest things to deal with as a pet owner, in my opinion, is the healthpet health of our pets. I struggle so much with this, because I feel such a large weight of responsibility on my shoulders being the sole decision maker for another living being.

And with animals I think it’s harder than humans, because animals can’t talk.  You can’t ask them questions, they can’t tell you what’s wrong.

And as long as I’ve been a pet owner, I can’t say I’m very good at knowing when there is something wrong with my pets. Sometimes I see the signs right away, but there have also been times when my pet was seriously ill and I didn’t know it.

That’s the part that’s so hard – when their getting sicker could’ve been prevented if I had been paying attention. The guilt is overwhelming. (There’s a video to help you with this later in this post).

By the way, that’s my little weiner dog, Taz in the picture napping in her favorite blankie.  Seriously, can you stand it?  On the left you’ll see her favorite toy, a tennis ball.  And on the right if you look closely you’ll see her favorite peanut butter bone! Affiliate Disclosure

WATCH MY VIDEO: pet health Your love is the best medicine

lemonade pet insuranceWe Do The Best We Can

I think the best thing (honestly, the ONLY thing) we can do as pet owners is THE BEST WE CAN. We aren’t mind readers – unless and until our pets shows real visible, noticeable signs of illness, we can’t possibly know there is something wrong.

Even then, it’s sometimes impossible to determine whether veterinary care is necessary.

What I mean is – do we rush our pet to the vet’s office every time they sniffle or throw up?  What’s just an upset stomach, and what’s a serious illness?  I find that to be the hardest thing – never really knowing whether

I should be taking the pet to the vet, or if they’re just not feeling well today.  A crystal ball sure would come in handy!

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watch my video: Your pet’s death is not your fault

pet healthLove and Care Are the Best Medicine

I truly believe that for pets, as with children, the best medicine is love and care.  I used to melt when I saw my miniature doxy snuggled under a blankie (that’s her in the picture).

At night when I put her to bed, I’d think to myself, “Here she is – snuggled in bed under a soft, clean blanket – with her tummy full of nutritious food, clean because she’s bathed regularly, safe from illness because she gets regular medical care – and being tucked into bed with 25 or so of Mommy’s kisses on her little forehead.”

Sounds super corny I know, but honestly, this is what I think when my pets go to bed at night. I say a little prayer for them every night, say I Love You at least three times before I turn out the light – and I thank God every day for allowing me to have this precious little pet in my life – for however long I get to have them.

How Pets Improve Our Health

Taking good care of your pet is worth it for so many reasons.  To learn all the ways having a pet can improve your mental and physical health, read my article, How Do Pets Improve Your Health? or watch my video below:

pet healthLet’s Help Each Other Help Our Pets

I try my best to provide as much information on this website as I can get my hands (paws…heehee) on regarding pet health. I only include credible information from credible sources.

If you have any tips you’d like to share to make caring for our pets easier, please comment below. Thank you for visiting!  Debra

peoplelovinganimals.comI Donate to Animal Charities

Thank you for visiting my website.  I donate 10% of my earnings to animal charities.  You can see a list of the charities I donate to here.

If you like this website, please share it with your friends and family who have a pet.  Thank you!  Debra

For More About Pet Health, CLICK HERE


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