Some cats bite, and some cats don’t. Also, different cats bite for different reasons. In order to figure out how to train your cat to stop biting, you must first discover the reasons why they’re doing it. Here are six of the most common reasons why cats bite and how to get your cat to stop biting.
At the end of this post, I’ll tell you about a super effective cat training guide called, The Complete Cat Training Guide. It’ll help if you’re having troubles with your cat’s biting or other behaviors!
WATCH MY VIDEO: how to stop cat biting
Why Do Cats Bite?
Sometimes cats bite in order to assert dominance. Your cat may be biting because he’s trying to show who’s in charge. If your cat bites you, then doesn’t back down or try to play or cuddle, then this is likely your cat biting to show dominance.
Cats also bite as a way of communicating. If they want something, for example, instead of meowing they may nip your toe, arm or finger as a signal to you. They may be asking for food, to be let outside, or even for you to clean the litter box.
A good way to know if your cat is biting in order to communicate is to watch to see if he bites you, then tries to lead you to his food dish, the back door, etc.
Kittens bite to practice attacking. In the wild, animals have to fight. This tendency comes through in domestic cats as well. My kitten, Miss Abigail, attacked her big sister for months when she was a kitten. The vet assured me that within a few months, the attacking behaviors would stop. Luckily for Miss Abigail, the older cat didn’t fight back! LOL
Un-Neutured males tend to be more aggressive. Consider neutering your male cat if he’s biting. Not only will he calm down if he’s neutered, but neutering provides other safety benefits for your cat and, of course, stops unwanted litters of kittens around the neighborhood!
Cats who are declawed may start biting. Once their claws are gone, they may feel vulnerable and start biting out of fear.
To defend themselves if they’re being attacked, picked on or provoked.
How to Stop Cat Biting
If your cat is biting you, first try to ignore them. They’re biting to get a response from you. If you don’t respond, they may try a different signal (such as less-painful-for-you meowing!)
Try a different form of communication. Only do what your cat is asking if he’s asking nicely – like by rubbing on your leg or meowing. Over time, he’ll get used to doing those things instead of biting you.
Consistency is important. Sometimes your cat’s biting can seem cute – especially then they’re a kitten. But mostly it’s just bothersome and painful. Even if it seems cute that they’re nibbling on your fingers, for example, you can’t let them do it.
Your cat must experience the same reaction from you each and every time when it comes to biting. You can’t let them bite sometimes, then disapprove of it at other times. If you do that, your cat won’t know what’s allowed and what’s not.
Need Help with Cat Training?
If you feel you need more help with your cat’s behavior, I can recommend a very good resource for cat training called, Complete Cat Training Guide from This is a downloadable ebook that is jam-packed with information on how to solve 25 real-life cat behavior problems.
It includes the best cat training techniques and step-by-step instructions. This program is $37 and comes with a full money-back guarantee.
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Thank you for visiting my website. I donate 10% of my earnings from website to animal charities. You can see a list of the charities I donate to here. If you like this website, please share it with your friends who have a pet. Thank you! Debra
Hi, I do not have a cat and frankly speaking would not like to have it unless I have proper situation for the cat. By this I mean possibility to let it go out and to come back. The reason is because of what I see with the cat of my daughter. It shows behavior you describe in the text but there is even more. It spends the time mostly alone and obviously feels lonely.
Sometimes they travel and we take care about the cat. And guess what: the cat has been attacking us. Poor animal, it does this mostly when somebody gives it food. This is the sign for the cat that the person will leave after that, and the cat becomes angry. I experienced this myself. So it is easy to understand this behavior and I can only regret this situation.
Anyhow, thank you for the text and for listening about problems at my side.
I also agree that people shouldn’t have pets if they don’t have the time or can’t be home enough to take care of them. It’s nice of you to care for the cat when your daughter is away.
I do have a cat but I have always had female cats before the one I currently have. My cat, Tigi, was given to me as a present because I love animals and I had something tragic happen in my life that left me blind and alone. My friend got a boy cat from the SPCA (I only get my pets from there because it’s important to me to adopt unwanted animals and all my friends and family knows that) and at 6 months old he was neutered. Tigi and I do things differently, I assume it’s because I am blind, however, at least once a week he doesn’t just bite me. He rubs my legs and I bend down to pet him and most of the time it’s just fine but the other times, he will dig all four claws around my arm and bite me so hard that he plunges all his teeth in and I will have blood running down my arm before I can get him off me. I have been working on this and say one word and he knows when I say it he has been learning to stop but every once and awhile he will try to bite again so I say it again, I also don’t back down, and he will back down from the confrontation. My problem is that he seems to forget all of that and do it again. I have had him for 3 years. Is it because he is a male? Because I am blind? I keep his litter box clean, and food and water both in my kitchen and my room (I close and lock my bedroom at night and sometimes he will sleep in there with me. I try to make sure he has everything he could want at all times. I play with him throughout the day. I don’t know what else to do.
Hi Donna,
I had a cat named Miss Abigail who would do that sometimes – just suddenly attack! I have a video about this (link below), plus I can recommend a cat training program (link below). Debra
No. I have a female and she has a habit of biting.
I found a month old kitten in a box and kept him. Bottle fed him for a month and came to love him. Problem is he’s mean. Attacks, bites and scratches. We’re in our 70’s and are home a lot. I know he’s considered feral, but has had all his shots and is neutered. Vet said he’ll grow out of this aggressive behavior, but in the meantime his bites are very painful. He also has plenty of toys, a tree tower and water fountain. Rocky is loved in our home, but not the cuddling kind we would like.
I’m sorry to hear this. This cat is very blessed that you found him and are willing to give him a loving home. Please don’t give up on this little guy. I can suggest a complete cat training program called The Complete Cat Training Guide. It’s $37 and includes instructions on how to correct all bad cat behaviors, including aggression and biting. It comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. Here’s the link:
You might also watch some of Jackson Galaxy’s videos on YouTube. He’s the cat expert who has that tv show, “My Cat from Hell” on Animal Planet. Here’s one of his videos about cats biting:
If you can’t get it solved, you might consult with a cat behaviorist. Here’s information on that:
I had a cat named Miss Abigail. When I got her, she was only about 5 weeks old. She had the same problem – she’d constantly attack my older cat. The vet said the attacking behaviors would stop. It took a long time – almost a year. But it did stop and she went on to be one of the most loving, beautiful cats I’ve ever owned.
Try to play with the cat as much as possible. Burning up his energy is the best way to keep him tolerable until he gets a little older and isn’t such a brat! Feather stick toys and also motorized toys are a good way to keep him occupied without a ton of physical work on your part. Here’s a couple links:
Feather toys:
Cat motorized toys:
I got this one for my cat Whiskers for Christmas. He’s in love with this thing. I consider it my Cat Nanny! LOL
I hope these ideas help. Please feel free to come back and keep me posted on Rocky’s progress. I’ve said a prayer for you to be able to calm him down so you can keep him. He’s truly blessed to have you! Debra
I have a 10 week old girl kitten “Bj” she has clean water, wet and dry food, clean box twice a day. Lots of toys she has started biting me and breaking my skin and trying to eat my hair. She has been to the vets and is healthy
Hi Kim! Sounds like this little sweetie is well cared for – she’s very fortunate to have you! 10 weeks is still pretty young. I had a kitten named Miss Abigail who kept attacking my older cat and the vet assured me that her attacking behaviors would stop as she got older. But if she’s breaking the skin I know you have to get this solved as quickly as possible. I don’t have any more tips to offer besides what was in my article/video, so I looked online for more help. Below are some articles I found that hopefully will help. Debra
Chewing on Hair:,specific%20hairspray%2C%20stop%20using%20that%20product%20and%20
I bite my cats ear when he bites me hard
Ha! I knew a woman once whose daughter kept biting her and she finally got fed up and bit her back! LOL
I’m not sure that’s a strategy that will work long-term with your cat LOL Here’s a video from cat expert Jackson Galaxy about cats who bite. I love him!