How to Calm a Hyper Dog

Learning how to calm a hyper dog becomes urgent if the dog is destructive, anxious or fearful.  They may also be problematic with behaviors like jumping on house guests, not settling down, getting overexcited or exhibiting excessively high energy.

In this post, I’ll give you links to two free tutorials from Professional Dog Trainer, Doggy Dan on dealing with a hyper dog, plus I’ll refer you to his training program specifically for hyper dogs.  You’ll be glad you found this!

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the dog calming codeHow to Calm a Hyper Dog

First I’ll tell you about Doggy Dan’s training program that I think is the fastest, easiest way to get ahold of your dog’s behavior regardless of the cause.  Doggy Dan is a Professional Dog Trainer and Behavioral Specialist.

He has developed a dog training program called, The Dog Calming Code, which is particularly effective for hyperactive dogs.  It’s easy to follow and inexpensive.

This is a two-hour video training that teaches you how to incorporate five simple exercies into your dog’s daily routine to establish yourself as pack leader.  Once your dog sees you as pack leader, they can calm down and not be so hyper.

They won’t think they have to protect you, the kids, the house, the yard.  And they won’t think they have to be the decision maker.  Dogs who feel they are in the presence of a competent pack leader generally aren’t hyper.  You can read my full review of The Dog Calming Code here.

Help for Dog Anxiety

If you think your dog may be suffering from anxiety, I encourage you to read Doggy Dan’s tutorial called, 5 Methods for Helping Rescue Dogs Overcome Anxiety.  He wrote it as part of his rescue dog series, but the information and tips apply to any dog suffering from anxiety.

dog nutrition

Dogs with High Energy

If you feel your dog isn’t necessarily hyperactive or suffering from dog anxiety but rather just super high energy, you may benefit from Doggy Dan’s free tutorial called, How to Settle a Dog Who’s Always Busy.

In this tutorial, Doggy Dan gives 4 tips for dealing with high energy dogs.

dog nutrition

doggy danWho is Doggy Dan?

Professional Dog Trainer, Doggy Dan is the creator of the video-based online dog training website,

I’ve been recommending Doggy Dan’s dog and puppy training for several years because I believe in his methods.  They’re kind, easy, and effective.

Doggy Dan provides full access to the entire website for three days for $1.  Check it out! You can read my complete review here.

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I Donate to Animal Charitiespuppy first vet visit

Thank you for visiting my website.  I hope Doggy Dan’s training programs and tutorials can help your hyper dog calm down, be more relaxed, and be happier!

I earn a small commission from some of the affiliate links on my site. I donate 10% of my earnings from that to animal charities.  You can see a list of the charities I donate to here.

If you like this website, please share it with your friends and family who have a dog or a cat.  Thank you!  Debra

One thought on “How to Calm a Hyper Dog”

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