Dog Won’t Stop Biting?

The Dog Calming Code is a dog training program specifically for aggressive or disobedient dogs.  It was developed by Professional Dog Trainer and Behavioral Specialist, Doggy Dan (owner of the dog training website,  It’s the fastest, most effective training to stop your dog from biting!

It’s super effective, easy to follow and inexpensive.  I’ll give you the details plus my recommendation in this review. Affiliate Disclosure

The Dog Calming Code ReviewWhat is The Dog Calming Code?

The Dog Calming Code is a super effective dog training program designed to help dog owners manage their dogs’ anxiety, aggression, hyperactivity, fear, separation anxiety, and behavioral issues.

the dog calming code reviewThe Dog Calming Code Review

The Dog Calming Code focuses on understanding the root cause of a dog’s behavior issues and provides practical steps to address these issues.

Key features include:

1.  Understanding How Your Dog Thinks.  The training starts with helping dog owners understand how dogs think and how they perceive the world, which is crucial for effective training.

2.  Establishing Leadership.  This part of the training emphasizes the importance of establishing yourself as a calm and assertive leader to make the dog feel secure.

Doggy Dan says that stepping up as pack leader for your dog is the kindest, most loving thing you’ll ever do for your dog. 

Why?  Because most dogs are not pack leaders.  In a dog pack, there is only one pack leader; the rest of the dogs in the pack are followers.

So chances are, your dog is a follower, not a leader.  They NEED direction.  They NEED someone to be in charge.  They NEED someone to follow.

That someone – that pack leader – needs to be YOU!

the dog calming code review

If you don’t step up as pack leader for your dog, then the dog thinks THEY have to be in charge, and for most dogs, that is beyond stressful.  It can be the one and only cause for anxiety, separation anxiety, fear, hyperactivity and even aggression.

3.  Exercises and Techniques.  The program teaches dog owners how to project calm energy, which is essential in reducing calming the dog, making them way more open to training.

Basic obedience training is incorporated to improve communication between you and your dog.

Finally, the program contains desensitization exerices designed to gradually exposes your dog to triggers in a controlled manner to help them become more capable of dealing with the stuff that usually sets them off!

4.  Step-by-Step Instructions  In this program, Doggy Dan walks you through, step-by-step, how to be successful with this training.  This includes:

Providing a Daily Routine for Your Dog.  Providing specific routines and schedules for your dog helps to establish  consistency and predictability for the dog.  If you have a fearful or anxious dog, this will be the greatest gift you can give them!

I think any dog, regardless of their temperament, is happier and more calm when they know what to expect in their daily lives.

Interactive, Step-by-Step Videos.  The program includes easy-to-follow video tutorials that demonstrate the techniques, making it easier for owners to follow along and know exactly what they’re doing!

Resources and Continued Support.  You can get access to a community of dog owners where you can get support and share experiences.  You’ll also get regular tips and updates from Doggy Dan and other experts.

the dog calming code

the dog calming code reviewThe Dog Calming Code Pros

Some of the best features of The Dog Calming Code are:

It’s thorough and easy to follow.  The program is structured well so it’s easy to follow, even if you’re a first-time dog owner.

It focuses on long-term success.  This is not about quick fixes.  The Dog Calming Code focues on providing long-term solutions by addressing the (real) root cause of your dog’s issue.

It’s a holistic approach, meaning that combining dog psychology, effetive techniques, obedience training and desensitization exercises all work together for success!

the dog calming code consThe Dog Calming Code Cons

What’s the catch?

If there’s any catch at all, it would be that the program takes time.  Like any dog training program, it requires repetition and consistency.  This is not a quick fix, but it’s super effective and worth the effort!

Consistency and effort really just means taking the time to learn the techniques and incorporate them into your dog’s daily schedule.

Also, though uncommon, the program may not work for all dogs.  If your dog has a particularly serious issue, read my post called, Help With Dog Aggression.  Regardless of the issue your dog is having, that post includes tons of resources for getting help with serious dog behavior issues.  Don’t give up on your dog!  There is help that will WORK.

the dog calming codeDoes The Dog Calming Code Work?

The Dog Calming Code gets fantastic reviews from dog owners!  This program is reported by dog owners to be successful, resulting in significant improvements in their dogs’ behavior issues, particularly anxiety issues.

To read about what dog owners are saying about Doggy Dan’s training techniques, read this post, The Online Dog Trainer Reviews – Real Testimonials.  

How Much Does The Dog Calming Code Cost?

The Dog Calming Code costs $47 and comes with a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

the dog calming code

peoplelovinganimals.comMy Recommendation

I have been recommending Doggy Dan’s dog training programs for almost a decade because his methods are kind, easy-to-follow and super effective.

Doggy Dan is relatable, teaches in a way you can understand, and has decades of real-life dog training experience.

The Dog Calming Code is a valuable training resource for dog owners because if its focus on understanding how your dog thinks, exactly how to establish leadership with your dog, and providing practical exercies you can easily incorporate into your dog’s daily routine.

You will be glad you found this, and your dog will love you for it.  Seriously.

the dog calming code

The Dog Calming Code ReviewWho is Doggy Dan?

Doggy Dan is a Professional Dog Trainer and Behavioral Specialist and founder of the dog training website, 

For more information about Doggy Dan, read my post with all of his information here.  You can also read my full review of his dog training website here.

peoplelovinganimals.comI Donate to Animal Charities

Thank you for visiting my website.  I donate 10% of my earnings to animal charities.  You can see a list of the charities I donate to here.

If you found my site to be helpful, please share it with your friends and family.

Also, please consider making a donation so I can continue to create content to help pet owners. Thank you!  Debra

PS That’s my precious weiner dog, Taz in the picture along with my Boston Terrior, Cagney.  Both have passed and I miss them every single day.  Cagney was madely IN LOVE with Taz!

For More About Dog Training, Click Here

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