Professional Dog Trainer, Doggy Dan, has created a free tutorial on incorporating vegetables into your dog’s diet. In this tutorial, Doggy Dan goes over which vegetables to give to your dog and why. He also covers which vegetables are NOT good for dogs.
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Should You Give Your Dog Vegetables?
While many dog food brands have greatly improved their formulas to be more consistent with a healthy canine diet, many dogs foods, especially some dry dog foods, are still lacking in nutrients.
But the good news is that you don’t have to start buying expensive dog food. You can simply add fresh vegetables to your dog’s diet to provide valuable nutrition for your dog.
Your Dog Cannot Live on Vegetables
You must remember that dogs do need MEAT. Vegetables are great for dogs, but please understand that dogs are carnivores that need meat and protein in their diet. In fact, they need more protein than humans do to thrive!
While vegetables do contain protein, it’s just not enough for a healthy diet for your dog. So vegetables should be added to your dog’s nutritionally complete diet, not used to replace dog food.
With that said, let’s take a look at the vegetables you can use to supplement your dog’s diet.
How to Help Your Dog Lose Weight
If you’re interested in helping your dog lose weight, please refer to my article, How to Help Your Dog Lose Weight (or watch my video below).
You might also consider feeding your dog fresh dog food. My recommendation is The Farmer’s Dog. You can read my full review here.
watch my video: 4 Tips to Help Your Dog Lose Weight
Which Vegetables are Good for Dogs?
Green Beans
Sweet Potatoes
Pumpkin (by the way, pure, organic canned pumpkin is helpful for dogs suffering with diarrhea. For more in that, read this article, What to Give Dogs with Diarrhea.
For detailed information about why these particular vegetables are good for dogs, refer to Doggy Dan’s tutorial.
Ask Your Veterinarian First
You should always check with your veterinarian before adding anything to your dog’s diet or before changing your dog’s diet. Especially if your dog is elderly if if your dog has any health issues.
It’s generally safe to feed your dog vegetables, but it’s also wise to get your vet’s opinion on which vegetables to feed your dog, along with recommended portions.
Which Vegetables are NOT Good for Dogs?
Here’s a list of some of the vegetables that are not good for dogs. You can click below for a more complete list created with tips from the Humane Society of the United States.
- Onions
- Mushrooms
- Unripe green potatoes
- Rhubarb
- Garlic
- Chives
- Tomato leaves
- Corn cobs
- Beet root
- Soy beans
- Shallots
Who is Doggy Dan?
Doggy Dan is a Professional Dog Trainer and Behavioral Specialist, and the creator of the dog training website,
I’ve been recommending his website for several years for puppy training and dog training because his methods are effective and kind. I also appreciate the fact that he offers so many free tutorials on the site. You can access all 31 of them here. He offers a $1 three-day trial.
I Donate to Animal Charities
Thank you for visiting my website. I’m glad you’re researching the best ways to feed your dog a healthy diet! Adding vegetables is a great way to start.
I earn commissions on various affiliate links across my site. I donate 10% of my earnings to animal charities. You can see a list of the charities I donate to here.
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