While no dog can be completely hypoallergenic, these six popular breeds are less likely to produce dander and shed minimally, making them ideal for people allergic to dogs!
In this post, we’ll cover:
- 6 Popular Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds
- Hypoallergenic Dogs According to Size
- 7 Tips to Reduce Dog Dander in Your Home
- Adopt, Don’t Shop!
WATCH MY VIDEO: 6 Popular Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds:
6 Popular Hypoallergenic Dogs
1. Maltese: This breed is famous for being on the Cesar dog food label! They are known for their stunning, silky white coat.
The Maltese does not shed excessively, which helps minimize allergens. You’ll have to groom this breed regularly. Their long fur requires regular brushing to prevent tangling.
Maltese dogs are gentle, affectionate and adore human companionship. They make a perfect lap dog!
2. Poodle (Standard, Miniature, and Toy): My family had a Poodle named Pepi when I was a kid. He was my first experience having a dog.
My mother taught me not only about how dogs should be treated in a kind way, but took it a step further and actually taught me to have compassion for the dog’s feelings.
This was likely the first thing that ultimately resulted in my owning this pet lovers’ website all these years later! That’s not actually Pepi in the picture, but it looks a lot like him.
Poodles are a popular pick for people who are allergic to dogs because of their tightly curled coats that trap dander and loose hair.
Poodles are highly intelligent and trainable. Their coat requires regular haircuts to maintain the texture of their coat to minimize allergens.
3. Yorkshire Terrier: Yorkshire Terriers, also known as Yorkies, are tiny dogs with big personalities! They’re on the list of hypoallergenic breeds because their fur is more like human hair than dog fur, which reduces shedding and dander.
Yorkies are affectionate and energetic (not to mention adorable!) They don’t require professional grooming, but they do need regular brushing to prevent tangles.
I have a friend who has a Yorkie named Bonnie. That’s her in the pic. She’s precious!
4. Schnauzer (Miniature, Standard, and Giant): Schnauzers are known for their bushy eyebrows and wiry coats. They shed minimally, making them a great choice for allergy sufferers.
Schnauzers are intelligent, loyal and energetic, and they tend to form strong bonds with their family members!
They’ll need regular grooming to maintain their coat’s hypoallergenic texture.
5. Shih Tzu: I fell madly in love with a Shih Tzu named Enzo when he and his owner moved into my apartment building! His owner is elderly, so I walk Enzo twice a day and take him to the park as often as I can.
That’s Enzo in the pic! I’ve become beyond attached to him. I’d take a bullet for this dog. Seriously!
A Shih Tzu’s hair is quite similar to human hair. So it sheds less and produces less dander than typical dog fur. Regular grooming is essential, as well as daily brushing; especially their ears and tail to prevent tangling.
I can attest to the fact that Shih Tzu’s are friendly, affectionate, and get the zoomies often!
6. Bichon Frise: The Bichon Frise has a soft, curly coat that prevents excessive shedding and traps dander. They are cheerful, playful, friendly and adaptable.
They require consistent grooming to prevent matting and maintain their coat’s hypoallergenic qualities.
Hypoallergenic Dogs According to Size
For information about specific sizes of hypoallergenic dogs, use these resources:
Small Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds
Medium Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds
Large Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds
What is Dog Dander?
What is dog dander? Dog dander is tiny flakes of dead skin that dogs shed. It’s the most common cause of pet allergies.
Even though the six breeds we’ve discussed shed less and produce less dander, it’s still important to keep your house clean and groom your dog regularly to minimize dander.
7 Tips to Reduce Dog Dander in Your Home
1. Vacuum regularly with a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter
2. Dust with microfiber cloths
3. Wash your dog’s bedding or blankets weekly in hot water
4. Use an air purifier
5. Designate dog-free areas in your home to minimize allergen exposure. You could use baby gates to block off certain rooms, keep your bedroom door closed, or choose to keep the dog off the furniture. (here’s a free tutorial to help with that!)
6. Feed your dog a healthy diet with omega-3’s to reduce dander and keep their skin healthy. Make sure they get enough water; dry skin may produce more flakes.
7. Wash your hands after petting your dog, or change your clothes if you need to.
Adopt, Don’t Shop!
You might think that you have to spend a lot of money or use an expensive breeder to find these hypoallergenic dogs. This isn’t true!
According to Professional Dog Trainer, Doggy Dan, rescues and dog shelters often house hypoallergenic dog breeds because these breeds are very popular! You can read more from Doggy Dan in his blog post, 6 Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds for Dog Lovers with Allergies.
Check with your local dog shelter or SPCA, or use the tips outlined in my post, How to Find a Pet to Adopt Near You (includes video) to search for these, and other, hypoallergenic dog breeds.
There are so many dogs who desperately need a loving home. So remember, adopt, don’t shop!
I Donate to Animal Charities
Hypoallergenic dogs offer a wonderful option for allergy-sensitive individuals who want to experience the joys of pet ownership.
With proper care and attention, these six hypoallergenic breeds can provide love and companionship for years to come.
Thanks so much for visiting my website! I receive a small commission for some of the products and services I recommend in my posts. I donate 10% of my earnings to the animal charities listed here. Debra