How to Stop Your Puppy from Jumping Up

Your puppy jumping up on you or your guests may not seem so bad, or possibly even seem cute, when they’re small.  But when the dog has grown to full size, it becomes a real problem! Learning how to stop your puppy from jumping up is something you need to do early on.

Puppies jump to get attention, and also in the wild to lick their mother’s face to try to get food.  You need to show your puppy that he will not get attention or food by jumping up.

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how to calm a dog downTrain Puppy to Not Jump on People

If your puppy is jumping up on people, simply turn and walk away. Ignore your puppy, no eye contact, no speaking and no touching (I know…it’s breaking your heart!)

Continue to ignore, and then after your puppy has calmed down, wait for five minutes, then call your puppy to you.

If your puppy does not stop jumping, isolate him by either leaving the room or by putting the puppy in another room.

I know it seems mean, but you need to send a very clear message that jumping does not equal attention.  Jumping does not equal attention. Jumping does not equal attention – see what I mean?

Consider the puppy’s little brain – just a few weeks of life experience under his belt – believe me, the little guy needs you to be clear. He wants nothing more at his young age than to please you, and he can’t do that if he doesn’t understand what you want.

If you consistently refrain from giving attention of any kind when the puppy jumps up, he’ll understand what you want and he’ll stop doing it.

How to Stop Your Puppy from Jumping UpPuppy Jumping Up on Visitors

If your puppy is jumping up on visitors, then ask them to do the same thing – ignore the puppy – turn away from the puppy, walk away from the puppy. It may also help if you hold the puppy by his collar or leash until he calms down, then release him.

Repeat this process – hold him back, have visitors ignore him – until he understands, again, that jumping does not equal attention.

Puppy Jumping Up When You Are Getting Ready for a Walk

If your puppy get too excited and starts jumping up on you when he knows he’s going for a walk, try putting the leash down and wait for ten minutes or until your puppy is calm, then try again.  It is important, even though you may be ready to go for the walk, that you don’t rush it!

puppy trainingImportant Points to Stop Your Puppy From Jumping Up

  • Do not speak.  Stay calm and do not say a word when your puppy jumps up. Remember your puppy is seeking attention.
  • Jumping up is not his way of saying I love you! Jumping up is attention-seeking behavior, nothing more.
  • Space is very important to dogs.  If you allow them to invade yours whenever they want, they will lose respect for you.
  • It’s ok to give attention only when the puppy is calm and not jumping up.
  • Teaching the puppy the “sit” command may also help. Getting him to sit, instead of jumping up, is an option.

Two Common Mistakes About Puppies Jumping Up

Inconsistency.  Don’t slip and give attention while the puppy is jumping up.

Making Eye Contact.  Making eye contact invites your puppy to continue what he’s doing – in this case, jumping up. So don’t make eye contact – focus on something else.

Online Dog Trainer LogoFor More Help with Your Puppy Jumping Up

For more information on puppy training, visit The Online Dog Trainer This is a fantastic website, run by Professional Dog Trainer and Behavioral Specialist, Doggy Dan, that has step-by-step videos for every training issue you can think of!

Doggy Dan offers a three-day trial where you get access to everything on his website for $1.  Check it out!

online dog trainer complete pack

how to stop a dog from jumping on peopleFree Tutorial to Stop Puppy Jumping

Doggy Dan has a free, step-by-step tutorial called, Keep Your Pup from Jumping Up on House Guests.  It’s super effective!

dog training

Perfect Puppy Program

puppy trainingSign up for details about the Perfect Puppy Program created by Doggy Dan, Professional Dog Trainer and Behavioral Specialist, and creator of the dog training website, The Online Dog Trainer.

peoplelovinganimals.comI Donate to Animal Charities

Thank you for visiting my website.  I donate 10% of my earnings on this website to animal charities.  You can see a list of the charities I donate to here.  If you like this website, please share it.  Thanks so much!  Debra

puppy trainingFor More About Puppy Training, CLICK HERE


11 thoughts on “How to Stop Your Puppy from Jumping Up”

  1. Thank you Debra for this very helpful information on how to stop puppies from jumping up. I know several people with puppies who could really do to read this and apply it to their own situation. I would think that it isn’t good to let something like this go unchecked because it might develop into more serious problems. Thank you again!

  2. I like the information and tips at the end. I would check the lay out at the bottom of the page under the Doggy Dan logo. “of! Click here for more information”, see if you can get this sentence to move over under the paragraph, instead of under the logo. This would make the flow at the bottom easier to read.

  3. I agree with this article so much. Teaching correct behavior in a dog is so much easier when they’re younger. The tips here were spot on.

    It seems like when my dog was a puppy he was more eager to please me. What about if the dog begins to jump up again once they’re older? Should I keep using these techniques or is there a better approach for more mature dogs?

    1. My understanding is that you simply “re-teach.” – start over again doing the same training with the older dog and he’ll re-learn the rules. 🙂

  4. Debra,
    Thanks for this wonderfully written and super informative piece on puppy behavior.
    I never understood what their intent was when it would happen so often with people I would visit.
    Their dog would be constantly jumping up licking towards the face over and over.
    I so wish I had seen your post sooner but now I know where to direct a few folks with these puppy issues.
    I hope like you said they can curb the behavior before they get full grown.
    Thanks again,


  5. Debra,
    Thanks for this wonderfully written and super informative piece on puppy behavior.
    I never understood what their intent was when it would happen so often with people I would visit.
    Their dog would be constantly jumping up licking towards the face over and over.
    I so wish I had seen your post sooner but now I know where to direct a few folks with these puppy issues.
    I hope like you said they can curb the behavior before they get full grown.
    Thanks again,


  6. Hi Debra,

    What a nice and interesting article, I was absorbed by the reading! You have given such good information to avoid puppies jump on us or on guests.I have two big dogs and one of them jump sometimes on my daughter’s girlfriends and, to be honest, it really bothers me. I would like to know if the suggestions you gave in the article will have the same impact on big dogs as it does on puppies?
    Thank you very much for this excellent post!

    1. Yes, the way dogs think is the same – from birth on. 🙂 Thanks so much for the kind compliments.

  7. A co-worker told me about this, which I did; but then, when I came into the house, my dog no longer greeted me. I felt this loss for 11 years, until she passed away. ?

    1. I’m sorry about that, Janice. But I’m sure you were a very loving mommy and your sweet dog was always happiest when you were home! Debra

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