Aggressive Doberman Pinscher?

Professional Dog Trainer and Behavioral Specialist, Doggy Dan (owner of the dog training website, has developed a dog training program called, The Dog Calming Code, that is particularly effective for aggressive Doberman Pinschers.  It’s easy to follow and inexpensive.


aggressive doberman pinscherYour Doberman is a Good Dog!

Doggy Dan says, “every dog is a good dog.”  That’s because virtually all dogs can be trained successfully.  I know that Dobermans are good dogs because my family had a Doberman named Nicki when I was a kid.  She was the most loving affectionate, gentle dog.  She even slept in bed with me once, snuggled under the covers!  I loved her so.

The only time I witnessed her being aggressive was when the guy next door had a crew come over to pave his driveway.  For some reason, this upset Nicki terribly and she became downright ferocious.  We had to make sure we kept her in the house until that driveway job was done.  Luckily, that was the only aggression Nicki ever showed.

If your Doberman Pinscher is behaving aggressively consistently,  don’t give up on them, even if you’ve tried several dog training techniques that haven’t worked.  Whether your dog is aggressive or not, the same rules apply when it comes to dog training.

AGGRESSIVE DOBERMAN PINSCHERDealing with an Aggressive Doberman Pinscher

Owning a dog that’s aggressive is beyond frustrating.  In fact, it can be downright dangerous if you’re at risk of your dog hurting you, another person, a child, or another dog.

Sadly, your frustration can quickly put a wedge between you and your dog, causing you to feel disconnected or even resentful toward your pup.

But there is good news…

  • It’s very likely that your dog DOES NOT NEED MORE TRAINING.  The solution is actually far simpler than that.
  • It’s easy to get your dog to obey you once you DISCOVER HOW TO COMMUNICATE with your dog in a way they can understand.

Dog Training for Aggressive DogsYou Need a Solution NOW!

Doggy Dan’s techniques, taught to you in The Dog Calming Code, will solve the issues you’re having with your dog quickly, easily and permanently.  That’s because Doggy Dan teaches you how to communicate with your dog in a way the dog can actually understand.

It is NOT more training that your dog needs. Rather it’s the knowledge of how to communicate with your dog to let them know that you are going to be in charge.  Most dogs are followers, not leaders.  Stepping up as a leader for your dog is one of the most kind, loving things you’ll ever do for your dog!

Dog Training for Aggressive DogsEffective Training for Aggressive Doberman Pinschers

The Dog Calming Code will provide the following results for you and your dog:

1.  Sets Up a New, Healthy Relationship Between You and Your Dog. Setting up a healthy relationship with your dog is one of the most important things you can do as a dog owner.  When you get this right, EVERYTHING ELSE FALLS INTO PLACE.

2.  Makes Training Your Dog Easier.  Once you’ve got The Dog Calming Code in place and a solid relationship set up, you’ll find your dog is LISTENING to you, wanting to FOLLOW your lead and TAKE DIRECTION.

3.  The Dog Calming Code is Totally Instinctive to Dogs.  This is dog training that actually MAKES SENSE TO YOUR DOG!  You’ll be able to communicate with your dog in a way that they will immediately understand.  You’ll be speaking your dog’s language, which is the easiest, most effective way of training your dog.

4.  The Dog Calming Code Builds Tolerance.  Your dog will not be reacting when something alarming suddenly occurs, like a child playing, a squirrel running, or a friend coming over for a visit.  These things will be far less likely to set your dog off, so having to keep them under control doesn’t happen as often.

5.  The result of The Dog Calming Code is a Calm Dog.  Soon after putting The Dog Calming Code in place, you’ll notice that your dog is generally far calmer.  That’s because your dog is now focused, watching and listening to YOU.  They’ll be able to switch off, not be so alert and anxious, and be much calmer and HAPPIER about life.  Aggressive behavior just won’t be an issue anymore.

What’s the Catch?

The techniques Doggy Dan teaches within The Dog Calming Code are only effective if you actually use them.  You will have to go through the training and you’ll have to incorporate the training techniques into your dog’s daily routine.  It’s not hard, but you have to actually do it.

Dog Training for Aggressive Dogs

the dog calming code reviewsWhat Dog Owners are Saying About The Dog Calming Code

“The Dog Calming Code and Doggy Dan provide tips and strategies to show your dog that you’re the pack leader. I’ve tried a few of his tips and they really do work.”…Nancy H.

“I’m still working through all 5 golden rules in The Dog Calming Code, but they are so manageable and already seeing results!”…Jessica P.

“I found The Dog Calming Code very easy to follow and Max is a changed dog! He actually listens to me now (most of the time!).  He’s still a work in progress, but I have high hopes.”…James R.

Don’t Struggle with an Aggressive Doberman

There’s just no need to struggle trying to train your dog.  Get The Dog Calming Code, incorporate the steps into your dog’s daily routine, and you’ll see results quickly.  You (and your dog!) will be happy you found this.  Remember, Dobermans are good dogs.  They just need proper training!

the dog calming code

doggy danWho is Doggy Dan?

Doggy Dan is a Professional Dog Trainer and Behavioral Specialist, and the creator of the dog training website, It’s been my #1 recommendation for dog training for more than eight years because it is effective and affordable.The site has more than 300 videos where you get to see Doggy Dan working with dogs and their owners. He offers a $1 three-day trial to the website, and a monthly membership for $37.  You can read my full review here.

online dog trainer

dog behavior trainingI Donate to Animal Charities

Thank you for visiting my website!  If you purchase a product or service using various links on my site, I will receive a small commission. I donate 10% of my earnings to animal charities.  You can see a list of the charities I donate to here  If you like this website, please share it with your friends and family who have a pet.  Thank you! Debra

For More Help With Dog Training, CLICK HERE

2 thoughts on “Aggressive Doberman Pinscher?”

  1. I’m sorry this comment has nothing to do with dog’s.
    I’m in Portland Oregon (97225)and have exhausted all resources trying to find a low income/affordable neutering Clinic. ALL wait lists are full or closed for spay/neutering in my area. I’m from California where Haven Humane Society kept vet bills affordable. The veterinarians in Oregon want $400 to do a neutering on my 1-year-old male kitten. He is starting to spray and I don’t want to take him to a shelter. I hope you can help me thank you

    1. I agree $400 is a lot. Here are the resources I can offer – I hope something here can help you. Debra

      NorthShore Animal Leage – put in your zip code and they’ll show programs near you:

      My post about free and low cost services:

      My video on ways to get help with vet bills:

      Also, if you haven’t already, call around to local vet offices and pet shelters/spca. They usually know of programs in your area that could help.

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dog aggression safety tips